When we place high prices for our products and services, we think this is what drives potential customers away and feel tempted to reduce them. This is not always the truth of the matter. Getting clients in the beginning usually takes some time but the hockey stick analogy is true (hang in there long enough. Just like a hockey stick curve is flat then curved at the very end, things will seem flat and start happening soon enough)
The difference between price and value is that price is what you pay and value is what you get. When people insist on price only before further negotiation:
Your prices are worth it. You need to have 3 price points:
20% of your clients are waiting for high end offerings. Majority will be okay with standard packages while others will want to pay more.
It is not always about the price. Standard does not mean cheap or inferior. It should be what others would call premium. Offer extreme customer care and push the line for free (this means adding more items to what somebody gives for free) Always keep in mind the lifetime value of a customer