Photo by Sketchbook
Impostor syndrome refers to the fear that people will discover you are not perfect. Keep in mind that your clients are looking for somebody who can help them, not perfection. In order to overcome impostor syndrome, you can do the following:
This will help cure the syndrome. Always say “I AM GOOD ENOUGH” until these words become a part of you.
2. Believe in your own magic
Search for the golden moments in your career and life. This should be a part of the self growth diet.
3. Have a road map
Have steps to follow and take your client through so you are not left to your own devices. A road map gives you focus, is a system and is tried and tested. The road map must be yours and not downloaded from the internet.
4. Be in a community of like-minded people.
This will make you see you are not alone and that others have overcome their struggles.
5. Stay motivated
Watch, listen to and read motivational material. Motivation is necessary but not sufficient. Add onto this by travelling to new places and embracing new experiences. This will open up your scope of mind.
6. Take bold steps
Even a small bold step is a bold step.
7. Have a coach or mentor
What holds high achievers back is flying solo.
This is a belief that hold many people back
Photo by JaseCurtis