Who we are

PassionBiz Academy is here to grow you and your business. It doesn’t matter what stage you are in, whether you are getting started, facing growing pains or re-strategizing for greatness. Our lead coach and founder, James Karundu, is here to guide you and ensure that you and your business become the high achievers that you are destined to be.

Message From James Karundu-Founder
There’s been a battle in your mind for years, you know you were much more sure and confident of yourself when you were younger, but lately doubt and shame have been overwhelming and deafening. One voice tells you, “you can do it, age isn’t an issue, business can work for you, you have time, talent and drive”. The other voice slaps you back to reality, “where’s the money? Who will buy your product? It’s been done before, how will it shift the market? Book? You can’t even write?” But deep down you know that dissenting and judgmental voice is wrong!
You are right! You can do it. You can start to live your dream at any time, and you will make it, with all the wealth of talent you have. And that’s why I am here; to guide you through your path to brilliance. Passion Biz Academy was made for people like you, people who need a helping hand, accountability, growth and direction to live your Big, Hairy and Audacious Dreams (BHAD).
Contact me today to begin your journey to living a great, fulfilling and successful life!