When you are afraid of moving out of your comfort zone, you often find yourself making the same amount of money or less every month. This should not always be the case. You can easily make more money on the side without having to leave your job!
When starting up a business, most people fear the uncertainties that come with not having a stable and predictable income. People fear leaving their jobs because they are afraid of failing and having no back up plan. At this free talk, you will learn how to make money from a side hustle even on a part time basis.
James Karundu, Founder and CEO of PassionBiz Academy, understands this topic fully because he too had a side hustle business over a decade ago when still lecturing Mathematics. Today his side hustle from back in the day earns him a lot more money, he is his own boss and has also setup another business.
The theme of the free talk is: SIDE HUSTLE SUCCESS- How to Start and Grow a Side Hustle That Generates Ksh. 100,000+ a month.
It will be held on 30th June 2016 at Kasuku Centre, Kileleshwa (at the Kumon centre on the 1st floor) from 11:00am to 1:30pm.
In this talk, you will learn about where to find the time, 10 HOT side hustle ideas and how to harness them. You will also learn 5 costly side hustle mistakes and how to avoid them.
We look forward to showing you how to turn your ideas into money.