
Passion Biz runs a series of workshops every month to ensure that you never miss the necessary injection of enthusiasm, to keep you on track in living your passion every day. i. Market with Confidence:

This program helps you find and keep the right clientele for your business. It helps you target, retain and cultivate relationships with the right clientele, who will grow your business.

Register now and watch your profits sore! ii. Harness Your Brilliance:

This program is designed to give you the confidence to follow your passion and make money from it. Whether you are employed, starting out in business or you would like to finally make an income from services you have rendered for free for years.

Register now and live to your full potential! iii. Mentorship for Profit:

You’ve mentored, and the hours you put in are not translating to income. This is the program from you. James Karundu helps you streamline your business model to the right clientele, more than willing to pay for your worth, hassle free.

Register now and watch your personal value sore! iv. Write your book now:

You have insight to share, and there is no better way to document it, than in a book. In just 6 weeks, James Karundu will help you get started and running to complete your first book and also make money from it.

Register now and take the bold step of being an author!