Your passion should make you money. You do not have to do something you do not love for the sake of getting money to pay your bills. You can earn from your passion and let your talents get money in the bank. Did you know you can grow a high income business from your passion, brilliance or expertise in 90 days or less? Yes! You can do this simply by going through the Harness Your Brilliance® course offered at PassionBiz Academy.
The Harness Your Brilliance® course is especially designed for a high achieving person working or in business and wants to step out, do their thing and make more money. It is also ideal for somebody who wants to have a bigger impact and become a recognized expert. It will take 90 days.
After this course you will:
The course will begin on Friday 5th August from 9 a.m to 11 a.m at Kasuku Centre (1st floor), Kileleshwa. Call James NOW on 0722625329 for more details