In running a business, marketing usually takes up most of your time and resources. It is for this reason that you get frustrated when you realize that your marketing efforts are not bringing in any new clients or money in the bank. When marketing, you always aim to get high paying clients and increased sales. If you feel like your marketing is not giving you the results you hoped for, this week’s free talk will put your marketing woes to an end.
James Karundu will be holding a free talk titled: BECOME A BETTER MARKETER- How to find, get and keep high paying clients.
This talk is perfect for you if you are good at what you do and are working so hard at marketing but can’t see the results. You may also be new in business and marketing is just not your thing. If you are always attracting clients who love bargaining or challenging your prices, then you need to listen to what James Karundu has to say about how you can improve.
This talk will help you understand why you are not getting clients. It will also provide you with tips, ideas and strategies you can use to improve your marketing. You will leave the talk with a step-by-step system to high paying clients who happily pay you and refer you to their friends. There is no need to miss out!